Friday, September 19, 2014

Arrival in Atlanta and Montgomery, Alabama

Mimi and I are off on a 21 day road trip of a few Southern USA states - Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina.  

Will also see parts of Mississippi, Florida and Virginia.

We took the red-eye from Vancouver to Atlanta via Toronto.  This gave us another whole day as we arrived in Atlanta at 11am Friday morning.

The flight was the usual non-event except the three hour 3am stop-over in Toronto was a bit rough.

The Atlanta airport is huge, I got us lost and outside the airport, and we had to take a 20 minute shuttle bus back to where our luggage was.

Before we arrived I researched a Southern-Soul food restaurant near the airport

Barbecue Kitchen

Mimi is researching the menu.

The $15 dollar breakfast took 8 hours to digest.


Got the car - ready to rock.  I love the long drives.

Are going to try and stop at a few parks....but that may never happen.  Anyway we are making an effort.

Stopping at the second-hand stores to find some exercise equipment for Mimi

The House of Junk

These guys brightened up the place.

Looked like a nice barbecue place but we were still trying to forget that breakfast.

Gotta stop for cold beer along the way ;)

There are lots of nice old homes in the small towns.

This one could be yours for $160,000

Alabama Hotel in Montgomery Alabama.  Our first stop...


Our giant motel room.  I was the only white guy in the hotel and of course Mimi was the only Asian.

It was a great room though.  $49....but at 3am someone was screaming bloody murder in the hallway.  Turned out to be a gay lovers spat and those can get noisy!!

Nice lobby for a motel.

Dinner was a bar and grill.

Lots of fun !!

Drinks were cheap

Lunch was a local favourite Po-Boy joint

Fried Shrimp Po-Boys.  Great coleslaw!!

Local character :)

Governor's Mansion

Downtown USA.....always deserted....

The main river in Montgomery

There was a pretty interesting car show going on by the river.

Dinner was a Mexican Torta in a grocery store food stall.

Very healthy which was what we were needing.

Montgomery was somewhat interesting but if you are touring the South best to stop by downtown for an hour, have lunch somewhere, and then keep on going.....

Sorry Montgomery Alabama but that is just how we feel.  We stayed two nights and are glad we took the time out here though because you can't just stop and see the pretty places when you are traveling.  Even miles and miles of strip joints, pawn shops, and fast-food restaurants have a story to tell.

1 comment:

  1. Now I am really hungry for that good greasy spoon food you can only get in yanky land, cheers
