Sunday, September 28, 2014

Savannah to Charleston South Carolina

We said goodbye to Savannah Georgia after having breakfast with our Pensionne "roommate" Nick...and headed out to Charleston South Carolina.

Savannah has a real Southern charm

Our partner in crime Nick

Out for brunch before taking off for Charleston

A very nice place....and everything inexpensive

Those pics are of our neighbors breakfast as we forgot to take a photo of ours.  Might be the 1 1/2 hours we waited to eat.

The coastline is all wetlands and more wetlands...

Beaufort South Carolina

The wetlands are wonderful

Dinner in Charleston....Pizza Again !!

Very nice Margarita pizza

Kitchen is busy

Lunch the next day is Southern Soul

Mimi loves her Soul food

Fried Chicken for me, fried Fish for Mimi.  Perfectly done, really awesome soul food.

It was raining so we hit the movie theaters....and this is the snack bar liquor selection

Hush puppies and...

....oysters for an after movie snack.

Beautiful countryside around Charleston

Modern American food....

Fried Chicken gravy biscuit lunch. 

The healthy vegetarian option for Mimi

We are staying at the NotSo Hostel in Charleston

It's on a regular residential street

The main house kitchen where breakfast is served

Top floor front porch...nice to hang out on

  Ground floor porch. 

Another area to hang out and meet your fellow travelers

Bathrooms are shared

Our room is out back down the lane

We are on the second floor of the rear house

This lazy fat cat has a wonderful life at the hostel

Here is the friendly porch outside our room

We have a kitchen to share with 2 other rooms

Here is our neat room.  Spent 5 days here....

Our shared bathroom.....usually its free.....because we sleep in ;)

The NotSo Hostel in Charleston is one of the best I have visited. 

Good job Charleston ;)

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