Thursday, September 25, 2014

Savannah and the Savannah Pensionne

We hit Savannah for three days.  It is a small city of 140,000 with 360,000 total in the Metro area.  During the US Civil war it was spared being burned down and is full of beautiful houses in neighborhoods set around small friendly squares and many parks.  The main industry are the universities and colleges, and the military presence in the area.  

To stay in the downtown Historic District we took the only place available to us on our budget trip.....the Savannah Pensionne.  The owner was a character and didn't really seem to like running a "hostel" but grudgingly did it anyway.  He closes the main building from noon to 5pm for his privacy so we stayed in the "carriage house" in the rear.  It was a small two story house with a kitchen and living area, and two bedrooms upstairs connected by one common bathroom.

The main building with rooms and the office....and the owner lives here also

...had to sit on these steps each day to access the Internet.  Our building had no wifi :(

We are down the street a 1/2 block

There is our "private" entrance

Nice cozy little living room

Kitchen....not very well equipped...but fine for us

Backyard access for the smokers

Upstairs are the bedrooms

Functional....but that's it....

The bathroom is shared and is located between the two rooms.  You lock your neighbor out when you want to use it

As you can see the owner is not much of a housekeeper...

...and the first thing I did is sweep out the entire house :)  Mimi was shocked to see me with a broom in my hand

We could walk about 15 very interesting blocks to the downtown waterfront area

A very famous Savannah pizza place I had to try

Vinnie Van Go Go's Pizza....a must try place in town.  Beer is cheap too

This town is very nice to look at....

Very pretty streets and small neighborhood squares

Many of the homes are pre-civil war and were built when the South was extremely wealthy

Savannah is a small but extremely pretty town.  Not very affluent either so the place exudes a welcoming charm perfect for the budget travellers.

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