Monday, September 22, 2014

Mobile Alabama

Rolled into Mobile for a couple of days.  It's on the ocean with a real nice Southern feel.  Still there were not many people walking around or for that matter to many places to explore on foot, so we toured downtown and the rest of our exploring was done by car.

Downtown square

A larger old hotel was being renovated downtown so we were able to snag a room for a reasonable price.  The hotel was completely empty it seemed, including staff and guests, and it was a nice change from a motel room on the Interstate turnpike.

The Admiral Semmes

It would of been nice if there were some other guests

We saw one hotel staff member our entire visit

Mimi getting tired of the camera

Pretty nice for $59

Self portrait

Downtown Mobile on a nice sunny day.  Weather was perfectly hot.

Unlike Vancouver Southerners like to preserve their older buildings

Mimi can't resist nut stores

Obviously they will serve anyone here ;)

Lunch time...drove out to the sticks....

Ready to eat !!

Oyster Po-Boy....

We had dinner here last night...late at night...and were too intimidated to take a photo.  The next day it seemed foolish.  Rodgers had some of the best ribs I have had yet in my life.

Late night dinner on our second night.

It was pretty quiet, we should really be here when it is full of customers so we can see the locals.

Po-Boy again.  Number three.  All pretty good...but not that magical one we are looking for.

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